Our Story

This story starts with a Malaysian couple...

In the heart of Malaysia, a unique love story unfolds. Malaccan-born Azmi and Chin Shiang from Taiping discovered their shared passion for traditional Malay cuisine. It all started when Chin Shiang first tasted the home-cooked delights prepared by Azmi’s family, a culinary experience rich in flavor, color, and cultural heritage.

These treasured family recipes, passed down through three generations, inspired them to open the very first Asam Pedas Premier restaurant in 2009, located in Bukit Jelutong, Shah Alam. The overwhelming love and support from patrons led to rapid growth, with five outlets and a team of 80 dedicated individuals.

Their ultimate goal is to make Asam Pedas Premier a common sight throughout Malaysia and extend their reach into the international market. Their mission is simple: to share the goodness of traditional Malaysian cuisine with the world.

"Our goal has always been to share our love for home-cooked meals and passion for traditional Malaysian food with our local community."

By Azmi Bin Ismail
Founder of Asam Pedas Premier
Establishment Year
Person Team